HP Allied Services exam is one of the Prestigious exams in HP. In this article, we are going to share the detailed strategy and Booklist of the HP Allied Services exam, which you can follow –
Allied Services exam is conducted in 3 tiers viz.
Preliminary ;( Objective type, Qualifying nature); Mains(Subjective papers- GS, Hindi & Eng.) & Documentation.
As per my opinion, the areas to be focussed on are;
For Prelims::–
1.Indian Polity by M.Laxmikant
2. Geography- class 11th &12th NCERT
3. Modern History- Spectrum
4. HP GK(prelims) by Jokta Academy, The Wonderland by Jagmohan Balokhra
5. Current Affairs Gyanam monthly magazine
6. Science 9th & 10th NCERT
7. Economic survey & Budget(state & center)
For mains::–
1. Same as prelims for Polity, Geography & Modern History.
2. HP GK (mains) by Jokta Academy, The Wonderland by Jagmohan Balokhra
3. Current Affairs – Vision IAS monthly magazine + Study IQ, RSTV youtube channel.
4. Economic Survey + Budget (State & centre)
5.Hindi – Vyakaran Bharti by Anupama Seth
6. English – HG publication.
(We should keep limited quality sources & should try to make maximum out of them.)
Things to be remembered or Strategy ;
For prelims-
1. Coverage (should be vast & we should have a fair idea of what not to read.)
2. Revision is the key.
3. Practice via mock test.
4. Art of elimination – as we have the right answer in front of us.
For Mains-
1. Answer writing is the key – decent handwriting, presentation, map & diagram making, flow chart, speed etc.
2. Brainstorming – it is very important to imagine at a 360-degree angle.
3. Revision for consolidation.
4. Analysis of trends via question papers.
5. Discussion for greater conceptual clarity.
6. GS should be prepared to keep the current developments in mind.
7. Last but not least, Never leave any question unattempted.
It is necessary to have a decent score in GS to qualify mains & it is of utmost importance to score high in Hindi & English to come upon the merit list.
This is not the complete recipe but a part of it.
2nd part which is equally important to pass any exam is our attitude. Exams are designed in such a way that we need to be good at both parts viz. aptitude and attitude as well.
Failure is the thing that we are most afraid of & this process is more about failures than successes; except for very few.
One thing that we undermine very often but is inevitable for success is good health(physically, mentally & emotionally.)
Believe me, it is the foundation on which the entire structure of success lies.
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